Nov 28, 2017

Language Lab!

We were such a few the other day in Sixth Grade, so it was perfect to go check the new Language Lab! It is an awesome place where students can learn language in a different and more attractive way.
The task they had to do was to translate a letter I gave to them. It was such a nice lesson. 

Chalk Game!

Second Graders played the chalk game last week. It's a very simple game, but they love it. It works the following way: everybody stands in front of the blackboard, with a chalk and a tissue in each hand. Then they draw what I say and then we erase when I say ERASE!. They can be playing this for hours. I think it's a nice way for them to practice any vocab.


Second Graders had a salty afternoon last Friday. We did pop corn at school! Second Graders and I went to the kitchen to use the microwave. We saw and heard how popcorn is made and we learnt some new words: pop, white, soft, salty and little. We had a great time eating them while watching a short film!!

Good Morning Jelly Bean!!

In order to promote the student's autonomy and responsibility, I let them do the Hello, good morning, routine on their own...  The thing is that is working pretty good, even better than when I used to do it. 
Big clap for these Lions and Lionesses!!